Saturday, February 26, 2011


Today we just picked up a new glaucoma instrument, THE GDX VCC!

The GDx VCC is the only glaucoma detection technology available that directly and objectively evaluates the nerve fiber layer of the eye.
The test is fast and comfortable for your patient.

While the three most common tests for glaucoma (IOP evaluation, visual field analysis, and optic nerve evaluation) are useful, they often do not detect glaucoma early enough.
The GDx VCC is the only glaucoma detection technology available that directly and objectively evaluates the nerve fiber layer of the eye. This test is comfortable, does not require drops or pupil dilation and provides results for both eyes within 3 minutes.
Breakthrough Technology
Now . . . early, accurate detection of retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) damage in just 3 minutes with breakthrough scanning laser ophthalmoscope technology that measures the extent of glaucoma damage where it occurs -- at the RNFL.
Early diagnosis
• Retinal nerve fiber layer damage is present up to 6 years before visual field damage.
True diagnosis
• Measurements are compared to a normative database to provide quick, easy and objective analysis.
• Test parameters do not rely on questionable risk factors for glaucoma.
• Nerve fiber analysis with polarimetry shows early damage caused by glaucoma.
• Optic nerve head analysis can’t always differentiate anatomical cupping from cupping resulting from glaucoma.
Fast diagnosis
• Less than 1 second to image
• Exam in just minutes
• No dilation required
Continual diagnosis and follow-up
• Typical image reproducibility of better than 15 µm allows precise, accurate follow-up of change over time.
• Serial analysis printout clearly shows specific areas of disease progression.

We are proud to offer all our patients this technology!

Dr. Alan Leavitt